Friday, 9 March 2012

Book Reveiw: Eco-Friendly Knits

Eco-friendly knits by Emily Blades is one of the twenty to make series and contains patterns that are knitted with yarn (or plarn as the book calls it) made from plastic bags.

This is an interesting form of recycling that takes an item that is known for being a visible pollutant and dangerous to animals and turns it into a much nicer looking, easier to store and useful item.  I find plastic bags an irritating thing to store as they just fill up drawers and are never taken out to use again. The 'Plarn' made from the bags is a little difficult to knit with (I have yet to attempt crochet with it) as it has a tendency to stick a little when being fed through your fingers but it creates a firm 'fabric' that can be ironed to fuse it into a ridged structure without completely loosing the texture of the knitting.

I haven't done any of the projects in the book as of yet but I'm finding it fun just to make plarn (especially in public) from as many different bags as I can (so far there's been bags from tesco, co-op, Superdrug, boots, the factory shop and several coloured bags from independent shops). One of my main problems is that from a regular sized carrier bag you only get a tiny ball of plarn and to do anything remotely big you need a lot of bags.

Some of the projects given in the book are a little weird such as the heart necklace. It is far too bulky and looks clumsy when worn in the pictures for the pattern. A lot of the projects are nice and I could see them being put to use. The drinks mat and waste paper basket are just some of these.  Then some of them are a nice idea but would be as good at their given purpose as a chocolate teapot. The electronics cosies fall into this category because for me the purpose of those would be to protect the item from scratches while it's being carried about but all I can see is them causing more scratchies than they would have prevented.

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