Thursday, 7 July 2011

Fabulous Fabric

It has taken me some time this year to get  started on my projects for the summer but now that I have time and the materials I can get a move on with making stuff and blogging about it

A little while ago I got the urge to make clothes and began to look at fabrics in shops. Two weeks ago I bought some from Mandors.
 Isn't it just all cupcakey and awesome! (measuring tape is in cm) I have a pattern for a skirt and mini cape from the English version of the Gothic and Lolita bible (winter '09) by innocent world and mille fleurs and I'm going to use this fabric for it. If I'm careful with the pattern placement then I should have a fair amount of fabric left over to make accessories with!

I never realised Ikea did fabrics until last week when my sister sent me to buy some for her she wanted two in particular Britten Nummer and Charlotta Teckning.
Measuring tapes are in cm to give an idea of the size of those prints as they're HUUUUGE.

to finish off does anybody have any ideas what to do with these they are all 54x54cm (21in) squares that I have had in a drawer since last year.

Any ideas would be a help.

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