Tuesday, 22 May 2012

I'm so very sorry

I have been woefully neglegting this blog for the last few weeks. My whole course at uni went a little crazy because of the assesment load that ment there was five assesments due in the last two weeks of term before the exams.

I have been more active on tumblr by doing live blogging revision and being caught up in the fangasm that has been the Avengers. I was so happy I got to see it before it came out in America and I will not spoil it for anyone (other than the fact you should go see it, like, right now). What I am even more happy about is the fact that I'm going to see it again tomorrow and possibly in IMAX... (insert uncomrehensable high pitched fangirl noise here) I can't stop grinning when I think about it.

I have got an idea for a post in the very near future: a star jar tutorial and maybe I'll finish the Dublin trip post that has been sitting in draft form since november...

I just realised as I was typing this I have ben blogging here for over a year!

Happy (very belated) birthday to surrounded by pretty things!

I will be doing more posts in the next few months as I have some projects that I want to do and several book reveiws that need finishing.

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