When I first watch a film I tend not to notice the music but I have found that recently when I watch XMFC I can name each piece of music as it plays. The only exception to this is the beach scene where I fall to bits and start shouting at Magneto while trying (and failing) not to cry (I cannot watch this film with other people or I just embarrass myself).
I got the soundtracks for Avengers Assemble, Thor, and Captain America. The Avengers OST was a download album and I have been listening to it a lot while waiting for the other two to arrive. Listening to "The Avengers" (here on youtube) makes you feel like you are being incredibly epic at whatever you are doing (and I wrote that while listening to it) even if you are, as the tumblr people suggest, just folding laundry or scrolling through your dashboard.

The same phenomenon that has happened with the music of XMFC is probably going to happen with these three too but I find I don't mind that at all. Bring on the music! I'll add to this post about the Captain America and Thor when they come (which should be pretty soon as they were dispatched this morning).
If anyone has any opinions on these albums or suggestions for other soundtracks that would be good to listen to don't keep quiet about it!