This was the reason for so few posts back then despite being on my summer break.
I got the first two Zelda games free with the ambassador programme and they are really difficult!
In the original game I cannot actually get to the first dungeon without being killed by moblins. In Zelda II I am stuck in an overworld battle. I continually die before reviving back in the middle of this battle only to die again and I can't even run away from the monsters as I would normally do in other Zelda games. I am a little sick of how easy it is for the enemies to kill me in these SNES games.
The streetpass games are really addictive and I just competed the second run of streetpass quest yesterday and collected the final hat for my streetpass mii. the other streetpass game is the puzzle collection game. I have unlocked all the images and I am almost finished the metroid picture. (EDIT I haven't really unlocked them all but I think I just have one to go)

With the four Zelda games that are currently stored on the system memory and with my Ocarina 3d cartridge plus the fact I have just recently preordered Skyward sword limited edition has made me think I'm a little bit of a Zelda geek despite being pretty bad at it (I have never completed a Zelda game even though I have gotten very close).
The only thing I'm not happy about is that the red 3DS was brought out after the price had dropped and I wasn't able to buy it at the time I got mine (which is blue)
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